Youth families will be able to pay online via Vanco or Stripe.
Please consider covering the small fee for each event to cover costs incurred for this convenience.
Please click on this button to go to the Church Planning Center website to register for upcoming events.


January 17-19, 2025-
Journey in January High School Retreat @ Camp Lutherhoma
January 26, 2025-
CTR Chili Cook-off and Bingo
February 2-4, 2025-
Winter Retreat @ Camp Lutherhoma
February 16, 2025-
Incredible Paintball event @ Paintball Land in Collinsville


July 19-23, 2025-

LCMS Youth Gathering

in New Orleans, LA

Click a link below to download and print at home:
Join us February 2-4, 2024 at Camp Lutherhoma!
Club 345, Jr High and High School Winter Retreat
Open to youth and their friends, grades 3-8 & 9-12 as participants. HS students may come and serve as small group leaders for the younger youth.
Registration cost for 3rd-8th graders or HS attendees is $100 each or $103 online.
Retreat cabins include bedding and towels.
An EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT is available between 10/13/24 and 11/15/24 of $25 bringing your price to only $75. Please enter the discount code of WINTER when checking out.
You should be at church no later than 6:00 PM on the 31st. Please eat dinner prior or bring a sack meal with you! We will return on the 2nd at approximately 2:30 PM.
Sign up now for the Incredible Paintball Youth Event!
February 16, 2025
2 – 5 PM
6th-12th grade youth and friends
Event Address: Paintball Land 12731 N. 118th E. Ave Collinsville, OK 74021
Cost: $25 (+$1 online fee) per person, includes a discounted rate and 500+ rounds of paint, rental equipment included.
Snacks provided by Oklahoma District LCMS Youth Ministry!
Registrations due by February 9, please.
Remember, all minors must have a parent or guardian sign the online waiver.
Every group must provide appropriate chaperones for their group.
A parent or guardian of all minors attending must complete the online waiver form HERE

 Youth Sunday School & Confirmation Classes



For high school youth each Sunday

9:30-9:50- Breakfast and Fellowship Hall for Opening
9:50-10:30- Small Group Study in the Youth Room
Led by Timothy Michaels-Johnson

For junior high youth youth each Sunday

9:30-9:50- Breakfast and Fellowship Hall for Opening
9:50-10:30- Sunday School Class in the Junior High Youth Room
Led by DCE Suzanne Watt
Confirmation Classes 2024-2025
Class options are:

Sunday School from 9:30-10:30 am for 6th grade – 8th grade
CTR-U on Wednesday nights at 5:30 PM

Students eligible for classes may attend one or both class time offerings because each class will be a different course each lasting differing lengths of time. Rather than a set confirmation class schedule each individual student and their family will be able to build their class time around their individual needs and time constraints. This means the length of time a student takes to complete all the requirements will vary for each and no longer be a set number of years as it was in the past.

Please contact DCE Suzanne and she will send you the appropriate books or make them available for you to pick up at CTR. 
Thank you for your support, and please keep your children and the ministry of Christ the Redeemer in your prayers.


9:30-10:30 AM in the Jr High Classroom.
Please bring your 30 Lessons in Apologetics workbook, Faith Alive Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism.


5:30 PM in the Jr High Classroom.
Please bring your workbook, folder, Faith Alive Bible and Luther’s Small Catechism.

Summer Service Lock-In

In June 2022 our youth ministry had a Summer Service Lock-in event at CTR. We stayed overnight at the church for 2 nights and went out each of the 2 days to different service organizations in town. Each evening we had dinner together and enjoyed games and a devotion together. On our last day we put together the new air hockey and foosball tables for the youth room!

Night 1: Dinner, Bible Study and Games at CTR

Day One: Volunteering all day at the Catholic Charities Market & Warehouse

Night 2: Shopping for tomorrow’s project, Dinner, Bible Study and Games at CTR

Day Two: Volunteering at Coffee Bunker with Deb Drain in their Pantry and lunch together followed by projects at CTR

Nightly devotions

At Catholic Charities

Being trained in The Market @ Catholic Charities

Working in The Coffee Bunker Food Pantry

At The Coffee Bunker delivering donations

Working in The Coffee Bunker Pantry


The CTR Youth had a fun & service-filled week serving Hope on the Beach in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. The youth participated in projects of outdoor service as well as to local non-profits.

Take a look at a few of our Events from The Last Few years

2019 Junior High Retreat

2019 Tulsa Area LCMS LaserQuest Lock-in

2019 Junior High Christmas party

2020 Youth Christmas Skating

2020 Junior High Retreat

2021 Journey in January

2021 Junior High Retreat

2021 Main Event

2022 Spring Confirmation

2022 Winter Retreat

2022 Junior High Christmas Party


2022 High School Christmas Lock-In


 National LCMS Youth Gathering

“In All Things” centered around Colossians 1:15-20. 

July 9-13, 2022 in Houston, TX

Awesome pic from 2019’s LCMS Youth Gathering.