CTR Weekly News: Sept 4 – 10

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister

Acolytes early: Hannah Haddad; late:  Addie Ross/Kimberly Kuehnert
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Library & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
For service Scripture readings go to www.lutherancalendar.org

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING  is  September 17 following a potluck lunch. Babysitting will be provided. All are encouraged to attend.
CHURCH SIGNS: “All are welcome” CTR yard sign are available in the Narthex.  You can pick one up and place in your yard. A $3 donation is suggested.
CTR-U BEGINS SEPTEMBER 6: CONFIRMATION CLASSES from 5:30-6:30 PM are open to students in 6th grade and up. Sept. 6-Nov. 1 we will be studying Prayer, Nov. 15-Dec. 6 we will be studying Law and Gospel. FAITH FRIENDS is an option for children kindergarten-fifth grade! Come to the gym at 5:30 for a fun time exploring our faith. PRE-CONFIRMATION will start at 7:00. If you are in 4th or 5th grade, please consider joining us! PASTOR’S ADULT CLASS will start at 7:00 with Hebrews-The Fulfillment of Faith as well as his youth Bible study at 5:30 in the youth room. Check out the complete schedule and menu in the bulletin and/or newsletter for other men/women groups and music options.


CTR-U CRAFT CLASS will be a pallet painting class on Sept. 13 at 5:30. The cost will be $12 and limited to 15 people. Check out the display in the narthex for details.


WIDOWS BIBLE STUDY will begin September 6 with Pastor Burmeister at 10:00 in the library. The subject will be the LifeLight series on Mark. The class will meet every Wednesday.

LADIES BIBLE STUDY with DCE Suzanne is at 9:30 in the library on Fridays. Women of all ages welcome. Contact DCE Suzanne for more information or to order a copy of Love Rules.

FAITH STEPPING STONES: As children grow, we want to educate and train them in the faith when they come to the church, but we also want to give families the resources to continue that development at home.

As each child in our church grows, we will put resources in your family’s hands to help them learn at home what they are also learning here. We have these resources available to each family for their home library displayed in the narthex. Please look for your child’s name with the appropriate age group and bring your book home. Some resources may span multiple grades or ages so if you brought your book home last year we ask that you do not take a repeat copy this year so others can share in these resources. Please share this book with your child and work with them as they Grow in Christ!
ACOLYTES: The second training session will be on September 6th at 5:00 p.m. We wanted to reemphasize that being an acolyte is intended to be an act of willing service to our Church. Please talk to your child about this being their Gospel opportunity to be a part of worship not a Law responsibility that is required.
INTRODUCING CLUB 345! We are kickstarting Club 345 (our third, fourth, and fifth grade youth group) with a trip to Pumpkin Town Farms on October 1st at 1:00 p.m. We are asking that every child has at least one parent or guardian in attendance.  With that being said, there will be a $5 payment per person due by Sunday, September 24th. After late service on October 1, we will be offering a pizza lunch for an additional $3 per person. Once we are done with lunch, the plan is to caravan over to the pumpkin patch.  We hope to have all our awesome third, fourth, and fifth graders at this first Club 345 event! Future Events: Nov. 10th-11th– Lock-In at the Aquarium; December 10th – Christmas Party.
SAVE THE DATE: JOY Jr High District Gathering (6-8th grade) @ Camp Lutherhoma is Oct 6-8,2017. Journey in January High School Retreat @ Camp Lutherhoma is Jan 12-14, 2018 – Junior High Retreat (6-8th grade) @ Camp Lutherhoma is Jan 26-28, 2018 – Ok’d in Christ High School District Gathering in Norman, OK is March 9-11, 2018.
JUNIOR HIGH REGISTRATION FOR JOY IS NOW OPEN! JOY is open to students in 6th-8th grade and their friends. This year’s cost is $110 for a CTR Student and $85 for CTR Friends as long as your register by September 3 (* Note a friend in a non-church member.) Please turn in your forms ASAP so we can reserve spots!!! You may pay a $55 non-refundable fee to hold your spot when you turn in your form and the rest on or before Sept, 30.  We may be able to register students after Sept 3, please call and ask me because pricing will be higher or room may not be available. We will depart from CTR on Friday at 5:30 PM and return Sunday afternoon between 2:30-3:00 PM.

All NEW Sunday Night Youth Schedule! Beginning in September we will have youth events 2 Sundays a month from 3:00-5:00 PM! You will have the option of participating in a Confirmation class or a Small Group Bible Study followed by a light snack and games. Other weeks we will have weekend retreats or special events.

Sept 10 Small Group w/Snack & Games

Sept 24 Small Group w/Snack & Games

Oct 15 Fall Festival Night @ CTR

Oct 29 Reformation Jubilee Service @ Immanuel

Nov 5 Small Group w/Snack & Games

Nov 19 Small Group w/Snack & Games


MITE BOX SUNDAY is Sunday. Remember to bring your mite offerings.

SENIOR FRIENDS will not meet in September.
RECONNECT! The next Reconnect will be Saturday September 9th  from 5:00-7:00 p.m. This month we will be setting up not one, but two bounce houses!
CONFIRMATION SUNDAY is next Sunday. Blake Jackson will be confirmed during the late service. There will be a basket in the kitchen for cards.
BRAILLE WORKSHOP is on Sept. 11 at 9:00 at Our Savior.
BUNKO will be at the home of Sandy Moeller on Sept. 12 at 7:00. There is a signup sheet.
LWML FALL FEST is hosted by King of Kings at CTR on Sept. 16. Registration/coffee begins at 8:30. Patti Ross will be the speaker. Mission offering is baby diapers, formula, snack items (pudding’/fruit cups,PB/cheese crackers, etc.) Check out the registration forms at the LWML table in the narthex.
LWML KICKOFF BRUNCH will be at First Watch (81st & Lewis) at 10:30 on Sept. 19. All ladies are invited. Please sign up at the display in the narthex.
COLLEGE STUDENT MINISTRY: Education Ministry needs your children’s college mailing addresses. We are planning to send out at least seven mailings this school year. Without an address your child will not receive our mailings. Please sent their mailing addresses to connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org or call her at 918-492-6451. Our first mailing will be in October. Thank you, Tom and Barb Sprunger.
SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.


Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.
