CTR Weekly News: June 11 – 17

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister

Acolytes early: …- late: …
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
For service Scripture readings go to www.lutherancalendar.org

VBS: Join us for a packed week of fun, fellowship and Bible study as we learn what it means to LIVE FULLY ALIVE! Participants may register online at: https://goo.gl/forms/fktXVDsRTJTl44mA3 or check out the CTR website or Facebook page for a direct link!

VBS DONATIONS: Look on the library windows for the multi-colored “A” signs. Non-perishable donations should be brought by Friday, June 8 and non-perishable items can be brought June 8-10. There are also tags for “volunteer snacks” for each day. Items can be pre-bought or homemade and should arrive by start time at 9:00.
ACOLYTE SCHEDULE for July-September 9 is ready for sign ups. It’s located on the family ministry bulletin board near the library.
WIRED WORD SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS: Sunday’s Wired Word topic will be “Starbucks Closes for Afternoon of Anti-Bias Training for Employees”.  This class is held in the library and weaves current events with Biblical study. Join them as they explore current events each and every week.

Summer Sunday School Volunteers Needed! From June– August, Children’s Sunday School will be held in the gym.  Each week we need 4 volunteers to lead stations. If you’re interested in more information or would like to volunteer, please check out the display in the narthex. 

CLUB 345 DAY AT THE PARK: On June 23 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. all second, third, fourth and fifth graders will be spending the afternoon at Lafortune Park! Please bring a packed dinner for a picnic and some games to share. This will be Carinna’s first event as an intern and a great way for Club 345ers and parents to meet Carinna! If your child is interested email Amanda Stein at stein.n.amanda@gmail.com.
FAMILY FUN DAY: Families young and old are invited to a family fun day on the front lawn of Christ the Redeemer  on July 28 from 10:00-2:00. Come and enjoy hotdogs, hamburgers, snow cones, bounce houses, lawn games and more. Bring a side dish or dessert. Sign ups for this event will be in the back of church by the FCM bulletin board.
SUNDAY SCHOOL PICK UP: Starting June 3rd, we are asking that parents pick up their child from Sunday School each morning at 10:30 in the gym. This will allow our new intern to meet your family and prevent liability issues during the hectic summer months.
INSTALLATION & RECEPTION: All members are invited to join us as we welcome our DCE Intern, Carinna Corbett, on Sunday, June 17, at 9:30. There will be a gift box for collection of cards. If you wish to give Carinna a gift to help with any items she needs for her apartment, please purchase VISA and Target gift cards. Carinna will be installed at both services.

SENIOR FRIENDS will go to lunch on June 10 at Napa Flats
BRAILLE WORKSHOP will not meet in the summer. They will resume in September.
BUNKO will meet at Teresa Nightingale’s home on June 12 at 7:00. There is a sign up.
OWLS will meet on June 28 at 11:30 at Incredible Pizza for lunch and program. Brad Teegarden will be the speaker.
