CTR Weekly News: July 24 – 30

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister

Acolytes early: Camden Knutson; late: 
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
For service Scripture readings go to www.lutherancalendar.org
SUNDAY IS THE CHURCH PICNIC  at CTR from 4-7. Each family is asked to bring a dish to share. Parish Life will be providing hamburgers/hotdogs/brats and drink. There will be Bocce Ball, Bingo and games for all ages. 
GREETERS NEEDED! We still need about 2-3 sets of greeters for both early and late service. Email Connie at connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org., call the church office, or sign up near the library. 
BOARD OF DIRECTORS/LAY MINISTRY MEETING: The new board and lay ministry chairs will meet on July 24 at 5:30. Installation of officers new/and returning will be during both services on July 23.
ACOLYTES sign up near the library for the new acolyte schedule. Questions?? contact DCE Intern Myrthe.
FOURTH SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE for South Tulsa Community House is Sunday. Drop your donations off at the north entrance. 
CHURCH SIGNS: “All are welcome” CTR yard sign will be available in between services this Sunday and at the CTR picnic.  You can pick one up and place in your yard. A $3 donation is suggested.    
Help is still needed for our Summer Sunday School Program. At minimum, it’s only a 2-week commitment. Don’t let the kids down. Sign up Today!! SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times. Opportunities for activities include – Games, Crafts, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY:  Thrivent Financial is building another Habitat House this fall. Walls up, the first build day, will be August 26 at 9:00 and will go through November. You are invited to lend a hand in building of the home. If you would like to volunteer on Saturday, August 26, please give Tulsa Thrivent office a call at 918-392-7130.

WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS: During July and August, we will gather up donations for school kits for World Relief. There are cards at the display in the narthex with the items needed. You can do complete kits or individual items. You can check out the Lutheran World Relief website to find out more information: https://lwr.org/get-involved/build-kits-of-care/school-kits.  Monetary donations can also be made and Carol Fruehling and Lynne Kollock will buy the items for you. Simply mark LWR on the memo line or give the money to either of them. If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Kollock.

WILD WEDNESDAY YOUTH EVENTS: Jr High/High School Youth & Friends – Mark your calendars for July 12, July 18 and July 26 from 9:30-5:00. Come to the church and watch a movie, play soccer and hang out with friends. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP for each date to DCE Suzanne.

CTR-U:  It won’t be long and CTR-U will once again be up and running!! CTR-U, Faith Friends and Confirmation resumes on September 6. There will be a new pre-confirmation class offered for 4th/5th graders during the 7-8:00 time block. Mark your calendars and join us!!

SAVE THE DATE: JOY – Jr High District Gathering for 6th-8th grade will be October 6-8 at Camp Lutherhoma. Registration begins in August!!
CALLING ALL MOMS: If you are interested in joining a supportive Bible study to discuss the joys, struggles, and complications of motherhood, contact DCE Intern Myrthe at families@ctrtulsa.org. This class will begin in the fall.
READERS NEEDED FOR ECC for 15 minute time slots every other Monday at 9:45. You can bring your own books or use those at ECC. If you would like to sign up, go to families @ctrtulsa.org and reserve your spot.
CONNECT NIGHT IS BACK! Join other CTR adults for a night of fellowship on August 12 from 6-8:00 at McNellie’s South City. Childcare, including babysitting and dinner, will be provided at the church from 5:30-8:30. RSVP to families@ctrtulsa.org by August 5.
RECONNECT is a family-centered event that will begin August 5 from 5-7:00. This one is a game night so plan to bring your family and enjoy an evening of fun!!  RSVP to families@ctrtulsa.org by August 2.

SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.


COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.
