CTR Weekly News: Jan 30 – Feb 5
Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Carter
Acolytes–Early: Camden Knutson; late: Isabella Nightingale/Drew Mabrey
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library
Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
DCE APPRECIATION RECEPTION will be held on February 19 between services. Please come and help us celebrate our DCE Suzanne. A basket will be available for cards.
WOMEN’S RETREAT – March 3-5 at Camp Lutherhoma in the luxurious Aspen retreat cabin. Retreat is Friday-Sunday, all meals, snacks, program materials and lodging are included. This includes sheets, blankets, and towels. Please arrange transportation with other participants. Cost for the weekend is $75 per person. Please pay cash or check payable to Christ the Redeemer with “women’s retreat” in the memo line. This retreat is open to CTR members and their friends age 21 and older. Space is limited to 20 people so register early!
OFFERING ENVELOPES for 2017 are ready for you to pick up at the south entrance.
LWML SHOE MINISTRY: Collection of gently used/new shoes is a new recycling project. This is an opportunity for you to clean out your closet. Baskets for the shoes can be found at the collection center near the south entrance and will continue through February.
TULSA OILERS PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY TEAM will be having a Faith & Family Night on Friday, February 24. We are running a special on CTR group tickets for the church at $7 a ticket. For this special rate, please sign up at the table in the narthex. Tickets must be paid at the time you sign up and are non-refundable.
ACOLYTE SCHEDULE is posted at the south entrance. Parents please sign your child up for 2-3 Sundays.
DADDY/DAUGHTER DINNER DANCE will be February 11 at 6:00. Fathers, uncles and grandfathers get your tickets today by contacting DCE Suzanne and take your special girl to an evening of special fun. Tickets are $20 per couple/$5 additional
MITE BOX SUNDAY is Sunday. Please remember to bring your mites for LWML mission projects.
ECC DONATIONS: During the month of February, ECC & CTR families are asked to donate paper towels, kleenix and unscented wipes for use at ECC. These items are always needed so your donations would be very appreciated. You can drop them off at the baskets in the narthex.
July 2-7, 2017– COLORADO MISSION TRIP: For all youth completing 6th-12th grade in May 2017). Open to Jr. High and High School students at Lutheran Valley Retreat Center in Woodland Park, CO. The cost of the trip will be around $325-350 a person for stay at the retreat center, transportation, meals, work projects and a day trip event.
The tentative plan is to leave the morning of July 1 and stay in the Colorado Springs or Denver area and have a little free time on the 2nd then check in at LVR on the 2nd. Our time at LVR would go through breakfast on the 7th and we would have the opportunity to do an event together that afternoon and stay the night at a local hotel. On the 8th we will pack up in the morning and drive home. Without stops, the drive straight to LVR is approximately 11 hours while the drive to Denver is just under 10 hours. More details and plans for the trip will come as we get a clearer picture how many youth are attending.
**Children’s Chimes Choir Practice – Sanctuary
5:30-6:30 PM
**Faith Friends – K-5th grade – Gym
**Confirmation Class – Library – DCE Suzanne
**Women’s Small Group
Feb. 1: sub sandwiches, salad, dessert: Kathi Lohse/Judy Cook (serve); Courtney Nightingale (clean up)
Feb. 8: Lasagna, chicken alfredo, salad, dessert: Bernie & Norm Zanter (serve/clean up)
Feb. 15: Mac & Cheese, Cane’s Chicken Strips, salad & dessert: Sandy Moeller/Lisa Bellmard
Feb. 22: Tomato soup, grilled cheese, salad, dessert: Angela Lemons/Teri King (serve/clean up)
7:00-8:00 PM