ACOLYTES sign up near the library for the new acolyte schedule. Questions?? contact DCE Intern Myrthe.
CHURCH SIGNS: “All are welcome” CTR yard sign are available in between services this Sunday. You can pick one up and place in your yard. A $3 donation is suggested.
24-HOUR PRAYER VIGIL: The Elders are hosting a 24-hour Prayer Vigil at CTR Friday, August 18 at 7 pm through Saturday, August 19 at 7 pm. During that time we would like to have at least two people in prayer in the sanctuary at all times. There will be an Elder present at all times during the evening and nighttime periods for security. There are signup sheets available in the narthex. We would ask people to sign up for one-hour increments of time. However, you may stay as long as you would like. There can be multiple people signed up for any of the times, so just because another person is signed up for a particular time doesn’t mean that you can’t sign up for that time also. We know that the overnight hours may be difficult for some and we certainly understand, but please sign up for some of those times if you are able. Again, there will be an Elder present at all times, so no one will ever be alone. The Prayer Vigil will conclude on Saturday with a special prayer service led by Pastor Burmeister at 6:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend this prayer service on Saturday evening. We will provide prayer requests and other materials for everyone to use during the Prayer Vigil, if they would like. Also, we invite anyone in the congregation to submit prayer requests that can be provided to the participants. These prayer requests can be anonymous, if you choose. Please submit prayer requests to the Elders’ drawer in the volunteer office or to John Meinders at We pray that this will be an edifying experience for our community, the congregation and to each participant individually.
BIRTHDAY INVITATION: You are invited to celebrate Marjorie Abel’s 100th birthday on August 13 from 1-3 pm at Montereau’s Rendezvous Lounge (6800 S Granite Ave. Tulsa 74136). Marjorie requests no gifts but welcomes cards if you are unable to attend. Simply add Apt. 430 to the above address. Marjorie is one of CTR’s charter members. Happy Birthday!!
LWML MITE GOAL IS SURPASSED!!!! Thanks to the generosity of many members of CTR, LWML’s goal of $2,600 was surpassed by $66.52! Spreading the gospel though the outreach of LWML’s many mission grants can only continue with the financial support and prayers from congregations throughout the nation. YOU have helped to make a difference throughout the world! On behalf of the many people who are touched by these grants, LWML thanks you!
LOVE GATHERING of kleenix, paper towels or non-scented wipes are being requested for the ECC as they prepare for their new school year. Donation tubs are in the narthex.
WIDOWS BIBLE STUDY will begin September 6 with Pastor Burmeister at 10:00 in the library. The subject will be the LifeLight series on Mark. The class will meet every Wednesday.
WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS: During July and August, we will gather up donations for school kits for World Relief. There are cards at the display in the narthex with the items needed. You can do complete kits or individual items. You can check out the Lutheran World Relief website to find out more information: Monetary donations can also be made and Carol Fruehling and Lynne Kollock will buy the items for you. Simply mark LWR on the memo line or give the money to either of them. If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Kollock.
CALLING ALL MOMS: If you are interested in joining a supportive Bible study to discuss the joys, struggles, and complications of motherhood, contact DCE Intern Myrthe at This class will begin in the fall.
READERS NEEDED FOR ECC for 15 minute time slots every other Monday at 9:45. You can bring your own books or use those at ECC. If you would like to sign up, go to and reserve your spot.
CONNECT NIGHT IS BACK! Join other CTR adults for a night of fellowship on August 12 from 6-8:00 at McNellie’s South City. Childcare, including babysitting and dinner, will be provided at the church from 5:30-8:30. RSVP to by August 5.
RECONNECT is a family-centered event that will begin August 5 from 5-7:00. This one is a game night so plan to bring your family and enjoy an evening of fun!! Pizza will be served.
SAVE THE DATE: JOY Jr High District Gathering (6-8th grade) @ Camp Lutherhoma is Oct 6-8,2017. Journey in January High School Retreat @ Camp Lutherhoma is Jan 12-14, 2018 – Junior High Retreat (6-8th grade) @ Camp Lutherhoma is Jan 26-28, 2018 – Ok’d in Christ High School District Gathering in Norman, OK is March 9-11, 2018
All NEW Sunday Night Youth Schedule! Beginning in September we will have youth events 2 Sundays a month from 3:00-5:00 PM! You will have the option of participating in a Confirmation class or a Small Group Bible Study followed by a light snack and games. Other weeks we will have weekend retreats or special events.
Sept 10 Small Group w/Snack & Games
Sept 24 Small Group w/Snack & Games
Oct 15 Fall Festival Night @ CTR
Oct 29 Reformation Jubilee Service @ Immanuel
Nov 5 Small Group w/Snack & Games
Nov 19 Small Group w/Snack & Games
FALL SUNDAY SCHOOL: We are gearing up to start a completely revamped Sunday School that will captivate the faith and imagination of CTR’s children! Check the bulletin and church’s Facebook page in the coming weeks for more information about these exciting, new changes!
BUNKO will meet at Kathy Mathieu’s home on August 8 at 7:00. There is a signup sheet.
LWML will meet on August 15 for a workday at 12:30. Assembly and packing of LWR school kits and MOST Ministries bracelets is on the agenda.
SENIOR FRIENDS will meet for lunch on August 13 at Ernestine’s new home (7821 E 76th St. #307).
SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.
COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.