CTR Weekly News: Aug 21 – 27
Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Suzanne Watt
Acolytes early: Andrew King; late: …
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library
Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
For service Scripture readings go to www.lutherancalendar.org
FOURTH SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE for South Tulsa Community House is next Sunday. Drop your donations off at the north entrance.
HABITAT HOUSE: Sign up today on the signup sheet near the library. Walls go up on August 26 at 9 am at 124 N. Zunis Ave.
LOVE GATHERING of kleenix, paper towels or non-scented wipes are being requested for the ECC as they prepare for their new school year. Donation tubs are in the narthex.
WIDOWS BIBLE STUDY will begin September 6 with Pastor Burmeister at 10:00 in the library. The subject will be the LifeLight series on Mark. The class will meet every Wednesday.
LADIES BIBLE STUDY with DCE Suzanne will return on August 18 at 9:30 in the library. Join us as we resume study together for the fall! Women of all ages welcome. Contact DCE Suzanne for more information or to order a copy of Love Rules.
CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: We are in need a of few more teachers! Please prayerfully consider using your talents to help teach the children. Contact DCE Intern Myrthe.
READERS NEEDED FOR ECC for 15 minute time slots every other Monday at 9:45. You can bring your own books or use those at ECC. If you would like to sign up, go to families@ctrtulsa.org and reserve your spot.
Faith Stepping Stones: As children grow we want to educate and train them in the faith when they come to the church, but we also want to give families the resources to continue that development at home. As each child in our church grows, we will put resources in your family’s hands to help them learn at home what they are also learning here. On August 27, 2017 we celebrate Christian Education Sunday and will have these resources available to each family for their home library. Please look for your child’s name with the appropriate age group and bring your book home. Some resources may span multiple grades or ages so if you brought your book home last year we ask that you do not take a repeat copy this year so others can share in these resources. Please share this book with your child and work with them as they Grow in Christ!
ACOLYTES sign up near the library for the new acolyte schedule. Questions?? contact DCE Intern Myrthe. Is your child eligible for the exciting opportunity to acolyte? We are offering two training sessions this fall. Come learn on Sunday August 20th immediately following late service or Wednesday September 6th at 5:00 p.m. (before the first CTR-U). For each of these sessions, we will be meeting in the front of the church. Hope to see you there!
SAVE THE DATE: JOY Jr High District Gathering (6-8th grade) @ Camp Lutherhoma is Oct 6-8,2017. Journey in January High School Retreat @ Camp Lutherhoma is Jan 12-14, 2018 – Junior High Retreat (6-8th grade) @ Camp Lutherhoma is Jan 26-28, 2018 – Ok’d in Christ High School District Gathering in Norman, OK is March 9-11, 2018
All NEW Sunday Night Youth Schedule! Beginning in September we will have youth events 2 Sundays a month from 3:00-5:00 PM! You will have the option of participating in a Confirmation class or a Small Group Bible Study followed by a light snack and games. Other weeks we will have weekend retreats or special events.
Sept 10 Small Group w/Snack & Games
Sept 24 Small Group w/Snack & Games
Oct 15 Fall Festival Night @ CTR
Oct 29 Reformation Jubilee Service @ Immanuel
Nov 5 Small Group w/Snack & Games
Nov 19 Small Group w/Snack & Games
FALL SUNDAY SCHOOL: We are gearing up to start a completely revamped Sunday School that will captivate the faith and imagination of CTR’s children! Check the bulletin and church’s Facebook page in the coming weeks for more information about these exciting, new changes!
YOUTH ACTIVITIES: Third, Fourth, and Fifth Graders are fishing for more fun! Mark your calendars and keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks! October 1- Pumpkin Patch – November 10th-11th– Lock-In at the Aquarium – December 10th