CTR Weekly News: April 23 – 29

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Suzanne Watt

Acolytes early: Greg Speer – late: Katelyn Reeves
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
For service Scripture readings go to www.lutherancalendar.org

CHURCH PUBLIC Wi-Fi is now available.
ACOLYTE SCHEDULE is posted near the library. Please sign up.

LWR DONATIONS of soap and health items will be collected during April. Stop narthex display for a list of items needed.
RECEPTION: The congregation is invited to a combined graduation reception honoring DCE Intern Myrthe and shower reception in honor of Mrythe and Jordan Flasch who will be married June 4 in a ceremony for family members in Florida. The reception is Sunday following the late service. A light luncheon will be served. If you wish to give a gift, they request gift cards from Amazon, Lowes or VISA or you can access their registry by using the following link and clicking on the registry tab: https://www.theknot.com/us/mordan-a-wedding.
CONFIRMATION SUNDAY is April 29 during the early service. A reception will be held at 9:30 honoring the confirmands: Hannah Haddad, Kaleb Chesher, Adrienne Schadel and Camden Knutson. A basket will be available for cards.
VBS: Join us for a packed week of fun, fellowship and Bible study as we learn what it means to LIVE FULLY ALIVE! Together we will learn about the lives of Joseph, Esther, Jesus and Paul. We will also learn about the Early Church. Jesus told us, “I have come so that they may have life. I want them to have it in the fullest possible way. (John 10:19b)” Through large and small group time, games, snacks, crafts, mission and music we will learn to live like God is with us, live like God has a plan for us, live like Jesus is alive, live like people matter and live like we are part of a bigger story.
Participants may register online at: https://goo.gl/forms/fktXVDsRTJTl44mA3 or check out the CTR website or Facebook page for a direct link! Volunteers may register at: https://goo.gl/forms/Aii3K8bGaSfYth9D3 or check out the CTR website or Facebook page for a direct link! For more information or assistance signing up, please contact DCE Suzanne.

Save the Date! VBS Volunteer Training is May 6, 2018 following late service, pizza will be served.
VBS Set up dates are June 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, 2018 VBS is June 11-15, 2018
EVANGELISM OPPORTUNITY: The evangelism committee is excited to provide EVANGEBAGS for the congregation. These bags are a great alternative to hand out to people on street corners, intersections, etc. who are asking for money or assistance. The bags contain a Bible, socks, hand sanitizer or tissue, soap, water, a tract, a granola bar, and a phone list of helpful numbers offering aid. The bags are outside the sanctuary in boxes marked “Evangebags”. We ask that you take 1-2 per family and keep them in your car to have ready when the opportunity comes along.
CALL DAY for vicarage placement is April 24 at 3:00. You can live stream it at callday.csl.edu to see where Joshua Brakhage will be placed.
CONGREGATIONAL REPORTS for the meeting packet are due no later than April 30. Please email them to Connie at connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org. The congregational meeting will be held May 20 following a potluck at noon. Members are asked to bring a dish to share. Desserts will be provided by the board of directors. All are encouraged to attend. Babysitting will be provided.
for South Tulsa is next week! Please remember to bring non-perishable food and household items for those in our area who are not as fortunate as we are.
WIRED WORD SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS: On Sunday, April 22, The Wired Word topic will be “Historic Milestones Give Nation Space to Reflect on Where We Are, How Far We Have Come, What Work Remains”.  This class is held in the library and weaves current events with Biblical study. Join them as they explore current events each and every week.

Get ready for Club 345’s Silly String and Water War on May 12th from 1:30-3:00 p.m. All third, fourth and fifth graders (and their friends!) are welcome to join in on the fun! Please tell DCE Intern Myrthe if you are planning to attend this fun afternoon.
