CTR Weekly News: July 31 – Aug 6

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Suzanne Watt

Acolytes early: …; late:  …
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
For service Scripture readings go to www.lutherancalendar.org

ACOLYTES sign up near the library for the new acolyte schedule. Questions?? contact DCE Intern Myrthe.
CHURCH SIGNS: “All are welcome” CTR yard sign will be available in between services this Sunday and at the CTR picnic.  You can pick one up and place in your yard. A $3 donation is suggested. 
You are invited to celebrate Marjorie Abel’s 100th birthday on August 13 from 1-3 pm at Montereau’s Rendezvous Lounge (6800 S Granite Ave. Tulsa 74136). Marjorie requests no gifts but welcomes cards if you are unable to attend. Simply add Apt. 430 to the above address. Marjorie is one of CTR’s charter members. Happy Birthday!!
24-HOUR PRAYER VIGIL: The Elders are hosting a 24-hour Prayer Vigil at CTR Friday, August 18 at 7 pm through Saturday, August 19 at 7 pm. During that time we would like to have at least two people in prayer in the sanctuary at all times. There will be an Elder present at all times during the evening and nighttime periods for security. There are signup sheets available in the narthex. We would ask people to sign up for one-hour increments of time. However, you may stay as long as you would like. There can be multiple people signed up for any of the times, so just because another person is signed up for a particular time doesn’t mean that you can’t sign up for that time also. We know that the overnight hours may be difficult for some and we certainly understand, but please sign up for some of those times if you are able. Again, there will be an Elder present at all times, so no one will ever be alone. The Prayer Vigil will conclude on Saturday with a special prayer service led by Pastor Burmeister at 6:00 PM. Everyone is invited to attend this prayer service on Saturday evening. We will provide prayer requests and other materials for everyone to use during the Prayer Vigil, if they would like. Also, we invite anyone in the congregation to submit prayer requests that can be provided to the participants. These prayer requests can be anonymous, if you choose. Please submit prayer requests to the Elders’ drawer in the volunteer office or to John Meinders at jhmeinders@cox.net
.  We pray that this will be an edifying experience for our community, the congregation and to each participant individually.
MITES UPDATE: LWML has reached 98.3% of the $2600 goal set for the year ending July 31. With one more Sunday and $44.47 to go we can make it!  Please consider dropping a few coins or bills in the mite box today to help LWML continue to spread the Gospel throughout the world.   Many thanks to those of you who have so generously contributed this year.
WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS: During July and August, we will gather up donations for school kits for World Relief. There are cards at the display in the narthex with the items needed. You can do complete kits or individual items. You can check out the Lutheran World Relief website to find out more information: https://lwr.org/get-involved/build-kits-of-care/school-kits. Monetary donations can also be made and Carol Fruehling and Lynne Kollock will buy the items for you. Simply mark LWR on the memo line or give the money to either of them. If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Kollock.
CALLING ALL MOMS: If you are interested in joining a supportive Bible study to discuss the joys, struggles, and complications of motherhood, contact DCE Intern Myrthe at families@ctrtulsa.org. This class will begin in the fall.
READERS NEEDED FOR ECC for 15 minute time slots every other Monday at 9:45. You can bring your own books or use those at ECC. If you would like to sign up, go to families @ctrtulsa.org and reserve your spot.
CONNECT NIGHT IS BACK! Join other CTR adults for a night of fellowship on August 12 from 6-8:00 at McNellie’s South City. Childcare, including babysitting and dinner, will be provided at the church from 5:30-8:30. RSVP to families@ctrtulsa.org
by August 5.
RECONNECT is a family-centered event that will begin August 5 from 5-7:00. This one is a game night so plan to bring your family and enjoy an evening of fun!! Pizza will be served.
SAVE THE DATE: JOY Jr High District Gathering (6-8th grade) @ Camp Lutherhoma is Oct 6-8,2017. Journey in January High School Retreat @ Camp Lutherhoma is Jan 12-14, 2018 – Junior High Retreat (6-8th grade) @ Camp Lutherhoma is Jan 26-28, 2018 – Ok’d in Christ High School District Gathering in Norman, OK is March 9-11, 2018.

All NEW Sunday Night Youth Schedule! Beginning in September we will have youth events 2 Sundays a month from 3:00-5:00 PM! You will have the option of participating in a Confirmation class or a Small Group Bible Study followed by a light snack and games. Other weeks we will have weekend retreats or special events.

Sept 10 Small Group w/Snack & Games

Sept 24 Small Group w/Snack & Games

Oct 15 Fall Festival Night @ CTR

Oct 29 Reformation Jubilee Service @ Immanuel

Nov 5 Small Group w/Snack & Games

Nov 19 Small Group w/Snack & Games
FALL SUNDAY SCHOOL: We are gearing up to start a completely revamped Sunday School that will captivate the faith and imagination of CTR’s children! Check the bulletin and church’s Facebook page in the coming weeks for more information about these exciting, new changes!
BUNKO will meet at Kathy Mathieu’s home on August 8 at 7:00. There is a signup sheet.
LWML will meet on August 15 for a workday at 12:30. Assembly and packing of LWR school kits and MOST Ministries bracelets is on the agenda.
SENIOR FRIENDS will meet for lunch on August 13 at Ernestine’s new home (7821 E 76th St. #307).
SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.

COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.

CTR Weekly News: July 24 – 30

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister

Acolytes early: Camden Knutson; late: 
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
For service Scripture readings go to www.lutherancalendar.org
SUNDAY IS THE CHURCH PICNIC  at CTR from 4-7. Each family is asked to bring a dish to share. Parish Life will be providing hamburgers/hotdogs/brats and drink. There will be Bocce Ball, Bingo and games for all ages. 
GREETERS NEEDED! We still need about 2-3 sets of greeters for both early and late service. Email Connie at connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org., call the church office, or sign up near the library. 
BOARD OF DIRECTORS/LAY MINISTRY MEETING: The new board and lay ministry chairs will meet on July 24 at 5:30. Installation of officers new/and returning will be during both services on July 23.
ACOLYTES sign up near the library for the new acolyte schedule. Questions?? contact DCE Intern Myrthe.
FOURTH SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE for South Tulsa Community House is Sunday. Drop your donations off at the north entrance. 
CHURCH SIGNS: “All are welcome” CTR yard sign will be available in between services this Sunday and at the CTR picnic.  You can pick one up and place in your yard. A $3 donation is suggested.    
Help is still needed for our Summer Sunday School Program. At minimum, it’s only a 2-week commitment. Don’t let the kids down. Sign up Today!! SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times. Opportunities for activities include – Games, Crafts, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY:  Thrivent Financial is building another Habitat House this fall. Walls up, the first build day, will be August 26 at 9:00 and will go through November. You are invited to lend a hand in building of the home. If you would like to volunteer on Saturday, August 26, please give Tulsa Thrivent office a call at 918-392-7130.

WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS: During July and August, we will gather up donations for school kits for World Relief. There are cards at the display in the narthex with the items needed. You can do complete kits or individual items. You can check out the Lutheran World Relief website to find out more information: https://lwr.org/get-involved/build-kits-of-care/school-kits.  Monetary donations can also be made and Carol Fruehling and Lynne Kollock will buy the items for you. Simply mark LWR on the memo line or give the money to either of them. If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Kollock.

WILD WEDNESDAY YOUTH EVENTS: Jr High/High School Youth & Friends – Mark your calendars for July 12, July 18 and July 26 from 9:30-5:00. Come to the church and watch a movie, play soccer and hang out with friends. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP for each date to DCE Suzanne.

CTR-U:  It won’t be long and CTR-U will once again be up and running!! CTR-U, Faith Friends and Confirmation resumes on September 6. There will be a new pre-confirmation class offered for 4th/5th graders during the 7-8:00 time block. Mark your calendars and join us!!

SAVE THE DATE: JOY – Jr High District Gathering for 6th-8th grade will be October 6-8 at Camp Lutherhoma. Registration begins in August!!
CALLING ALL MOMS: If you are interested in joining a supportive Bible study to discuss the joys, struggles, and complications of motherhood, contact DCE Intern Myrthe at families@ctrtulsa.org. This class will begin in the fall.
READERS NEEDED FOR ECC for 15 minute time slots every other Monday at 9:45. You can bring your own books or use those at ECC. If you would like to sign up, go to families @ctrtulsa.org and reserve your spot.
CONNECT NIGHT IS BACK! Join other CTR adults for a night of fellowship on August 12 from 6-8:00 at McNellie’s South City. Childcare, including babysitting and dinner, will be provided at the church from 5:30-8:30. RSVP to families@ctrtulsa.org by August 5.
RECONNECT is a family-centered event that will begin August 5 from 5-7:00. This one is a game night so plan to bring your family and enjoy an evening of fun!!  RSVP to families@ctrtulsa.org by August 2.

SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.


COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.

CTR Weekly News: July 17 – 23

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Suzanne Watt

Acolytes early: Camden Knutson/Liam Bellmard; late: 
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library
   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library
For service Scripture readings go to

LUTHERAN WITNESS subscriptions are due no later than July 15. YOU MUST LET THE OFFICE KNOW THIS WEEKEND IF YOU WANT TO SUBSCRIBE. The subscriptions are $17. Make your check out to CTR with Lutheran Witness on the memo line and place it in the offering plate or use the Lutheran Witness envelope that can be found in your pew. Contact Connie at connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org.

SUNDAY IS THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP FOR THE CHURCH PICNIC which will be at CTR on July 23 from 4-7. It will be a potluck. Each family is asked to bring a dish to share. Parish Life will be providing hamburgers/hotdogs/brats and drink. Sign up near the library for your choice of meat. There will be Bocce Ball, Bingo and games for all ages. The Youth Band will also perform. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy some quality time with your church family.

GREETERS NEEDED! We still need about 2-3 sets of greeters for both early and late service. Email Connie at connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org, call the church office, or sign up near the library.  If you have any questions, contact Connie at the office.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS/LAY MINISTRY MEETING: The new board and lay ministry chairs will meet on July 24 at 5:30. Installation of officers new/and returning will be during both services on July 23.

LWML WORKDAY will be July 18 at 12:30. They will be working on health kits and fabric kits. Children and grandchildren are welcome to attend as well.

ACOLYTES sign up at the south entrance for the new acolyte schedule. Questions?? contact DCE Intern Myrthe.

FOURTH SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE for South Tulsa Community House is next Sunday. Drop your donations off at the north entrance.

Help is still needed for our Summer Sunday School Program. At minimum, it’s only a 2-week commitment. Don’t let the kids down. Sign up Today!! SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times. Opportunities for activities include– Games, Crafts, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!

LWML MITES UPDATE: Your mite box donations make an impact on many ministries by enhancing their programs, touching  many people throughout the world. After mites were included from Mite Box Sunday, LWML has reached 90.6% of their goal of $2,600 for the year which ends July 31st. Please don’t forget to bring your mites if you haven’t already done so!   Thank you!  

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY:  Thrivent Financial is building another Habitat House this fall. Walls up, the first build day, will be August 26 at 9:00 and will go through November. You are invited to lend a hand in building of the home. If you would like to volunteer on Saturday, August 26, please give Tulsa Thrivent office a call at 918-392-7130.

ECC NEEDS BOOKS! The ECC is looking for books that are gently used for classes with children ages 1-4 years old.  A donation box is located at the south entrance. Thanks so much! 

WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS: During July and August, we will gather up donations for school kits for World Relief. There are cards at the display in the narthex with the items needed. You can do complete kits or individual items. You can check out the Lutheran World Relief website to find out more information: https://lwr.org/get-involved/build-kits-of-care/school-kits. Monetary donations can also be made and Carol Fruehling and Lynne Kollock will buy the items for you. Simply mark LWR on the memo line or give the money to either of them. If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Kollock.

WILD WEDNESDAY YOUTH EVENTS: Jr High/High School Youth & Friends – Mark your calendars for July 12, July 18 and July 26 from 9:30-5:00. Come to the church and watch a movie, play soccer and hang out with friends. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP for each date to DCE Suzanne.

CTR-U: It won’t be long and CTR-U will once again be up and running!! CTR-U, Faith Friends and Confirmation resumes on September 6. There will be a new pre-confirmation class offered for 4th/5th graders during the 7-8:00 time block. Mark your calendars and join us!!

SAVE THE DATE: JOY – Jr High District Gathering for 6th-8th grade will be October 6-8 at Camp Lutherhoma. Registration begins in August!!


SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut buttemeat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.


COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.

 For questions or to volunteer, contact DCE Suzanne Watt
at 918-492-6451 or suzanne.watt@ctrtulsa.org.
For questions about Family & Children’s Ministry events or to volunteer,
contact DCE Intern Myrthe Harkenrider at families@ctrtulsa.org

CTR Weekly News: July 10 – 16

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Myrthe Harkenrider

Acolytes early: Genevieve Gross/Liam Bellmard; late: William Butler
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library

LUTHERAN WITNESS subscriptions are due no later than July 15. The subscriptions are $17. Make your check out to CTR with Lutheran Witness on the memo line and place it in the offering plate or use the Lutheran Witness envelope that can be found in your pew.
HELP – HELP – HELP – GREETERS NEEDED! We still need about 2-3 sets of greeters for both early and late service. You will be scheduled to greet two weeks a month and twice a year unless we don’t achieve the 12 sets. If you are currently a greeter or would like to become a greeter, please email Connie at connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org, call the church office, or sign up near the library.  If you have any questions, contact Connie at the office.
COLORADO YOUTH TRIP: Please keep the 15 youth and 5 adults in your prayers for safe travel and successful mission trip. They will return on July 8.
SIGN UP TODAY FOR THE CHURCH PICNIC which will be at CTR on July 23 from 4-7. It will be a potluck. Each family is asked to bring a dish to share. Parish Life will be providing hamburgers/hotdogs/brats and drink. Sign up near the library for your choice of meat.  There will be Bocce Ball, Bingo and games for all ages. The Youth Band will also perform. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy some quality time with your church family.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS/LAY MINISTRY MEETING: The new board and lay ministry chairs will meet on July 24 at 6:30. Installation of officers new/and returning will be during both services on July 23.
Help is still needed for our Summer Sunday School Program. At minimum, it’s only a 2-week commitment. Don’t let the kids down. Sign up Today!! SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times. Opportunities for activities include – Games, Crafts, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY:  Thrivent Financial is building another Habitat House this fall. Walls up, the first build day, will be August 26 at 9:00 and will go through November. You are invited to lend a hand in building of the home. If you would like to volunteer on Saturday, August 26, please give Tulsa Thrivent office a call at 918-392-7130.
BUNKO will be at the home of Teresa Nightingale at 7:00 on July 11. There is a signup sheet.
ECC NEEDS BOOKS! The ECC is looking for books that are gently used for our school. Most of the books will be in classes with children ages 1-4 years old. Please donate age-appropriate and hardback books when possible as they wear out easily. They get lots of use! A donation box is located at the south entrance. Thanks so much!
WORLD RELIEF SCHOOL KITS: Once again in July and August, we will gather up donations for school kits for World Relief. There are cards at the display in the narthex with the items needed. You can do complete kits or individual items. You can check out the Lutheran World Relief website to find out more information: https://lwr.org/get-involved/build-kits-of-care/school-kits. Monetary donations can also be made and Carol Fruehling and Lynne Kollock will buy the items for you. Simply mark LWR on the memo line or give the money to either of them. If you have any questions, please contact Lynne Kollock.
WILD WEDNESDAY YOUTH EVENTS: Jr High/High School Youth & Friends – Mark your calendars for July 12, July 18 and July 26 from 9:30-5:00. Come to the church and watch a movie, play soccer and hang out with friends. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP for each date to DCE Suzanne.
CTR-U: It won’t be long and CTR-U will once again be up and running!! CTR-U, Faith Friends and Confirmation resumes on September 6. There will be a new pre-confirmation class offered for 4th/5th graders during the 7-8:00 time block. Mark your calendars and join us!!
SAVE THE DATE: JOY – Jr High District Gathering for 6th-8th grade will be October 6-8 at Camp Lutherhoma. Registration begins in August!!
SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.

COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.

CTR Weekly News: July 3 – 9

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister

Acolytes early: Camden Knutson; late: none scheduled
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library

HELP – HELP – HELP – GREETERS NEEDED! We are looking for 12 sets of greeters for both early and late service. There will be two sets of greeters scheduled each week (one set per north and south entrance). Right now we’re only about half way to the goal of 12 sets. You will be scheduled to greet two weeks a month and twice a year unless we don’t achieve the 12 sets. If you are currently a greeter or would like to become a greeter, please email Connie at connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org, call the church office, or sign up near the library. Once the schedule is created, it will be emailed out to everyone including a master list of those serving. You will be responsible for getting a sub if you are unable to greet on the week that you are scheduled for. If you have any questions, contact Connie at the office.
COLORADO YOUTH TRIP: Please keep the 15 youth and 5 adults in your prayers for safe travel and successful mission trip. They will return on July 8.
CHURCH PICNIC will be at CTR on July 23 from 4-7. It will be a potluck. Each family is asked to bring a dish to share. Parish Life will be providing hamburgers/hotdogs/brats and drink. Sign up near the library for your choice of meat. There will be Bocce Ball, Bingo and games for all ages. The Youth Band will also perform. Bring your lawn chair and enjoy some quality time with your church family.
Help is still needed for our Summer Sunday School Program. At minimum, it’s only a 2-week commitment. Don’t let the kids down. Sign up Today!! SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times. Opportunities for activities include– Games, Crafts, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY:  Thrivent Financial is building another Habitat House this fall. Walls up, the first build day, will be August 26 at 9:00 and will go through November. You are invited to lend a hand in building of the home. If you would like to volunteer on Saturday, August 26, please give Tulsa Thrivent office a call at 918-392-7130.
BUNKO will be at the home of Teresa Nightingale at 7:00 on July 11. There is a signup sheet.
ECC NEEDS BOOKS! The ECC is looking for books that are gently used for our school. Most of the books will be in classes with children ages 1-4 years old. Please donate age-appropriate and hardback books when possible as they wear out easily. They get lots of use! A donation box is located at the south entrance. Thanks so much!
WILD WEDNESDAY YOUTH EVENTS: Jr High/High School Youth & Friends – Mark your calendars for July 12, July 18 and July 26 from 9:30-5:00. Come to the church and watch a movie, play soccer and hang out with friends. Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP for each date to DCE Suzanne.
CTR-U: It won’t be long and CTR-U will once again be up and running!! CTR-U, Faith Friends and Confirmation resumes on September 6. There will be a new pre-confirmation class offered for 4th/5th graders during the 7-8:00 time block. Mark your calendars and join us!!
SAVE THE DATE: JOY – Jr High District Gathering for 6th-8th grade will be October 6-8 at Camp Lutherhoma. Registration begins in August!!
LWML MITES: LWML is nearing its goal of $2,600 for our year which ends on July 31. As of June 12, we have collected $2,190.47 which is 84% of our goal. Please help us reach our goal by making a contribution in the mite box – coins, bills, and checks (made out to LWML) are joyfully accepted and will be used to help spread the gospel by providing grants to help those in the mission field locally, nationally, and internationally. YOU can help make a difference.

We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.


COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.

CTR Weekly News: June 19 – 25

Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister

Acolytes early: none scheduled; late: none scheduled
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library

Help is still needed for our Summer Sunday School Program. At minimum, it’s only a 2-week commitment. Don’t let the kids down. Sign up Today!!  SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times. Opportunities for activities include – Games, Crafts, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!

VBS REGISTRATION: When registering your child for VBS, please note that the class they will be registering for is the grade that they just completed in school (not the grade they will be going in to). Online registration ends June 18. On-site registration is 1st come 1st served.


We still need several more volunteer spots filled for VBS the week of June 19-23! Please consider helping share Jesus with these awesome kids! The spots to fill include:
Bible Discovery Station Leader
Imagination Station Assistant
Crew Leader for 3rd-5th Grade
Crew Leader Assistants for various ages

ECC NEEDS BOOKS!  The ECC is looking for books that are gently used for our school. Most of the books will be in classes with children ages 1-4 years old. Please donate age-appropriate and hardback books when possible as they wear out easily. They get lots of use! A donation box is located at the south entrance. Thanks so much!

GREETERS NEEDED! We are starting a new greeter schedule that will be handled by the church secretary. We are looking for 12 sets of greeters for both early and late service. There will be two sets of greeters scheduled each week (one set per north and south entrance). You will be scheduled to greet two weeks a month and twice a year. If you are currently a greeter or would like to become a greeter, please email Connie at connie.phillips@ctrtulsa.org or call the church office. She will need to know which service you prefer to greet at and your email address. She will create the schedule and email it out to everyone mid-month prior to the month you are scheduled. You will be responsible for getting a sub if you are unable to greet on the week that she schedules you for. If you have any questions, contact Connie at the office.

IMMANUEL LUTHERAN TRAVELERS will be going to Branson Nov. 14-16. If you are interested in going with them, check out the flyer at the south entrance. The agenda will include Miracle of Christmas at the Sight & Sound Theater, Hot Rods & High Heels, Dinner & Murder Mystery Show and a Down Home Country Show.

FOURTH SUNDAY FOOD DRIVE  for South Tulsa Community House is next Sunday. Drop your donations off at the north entrance.

LWML is nearing its goal of $2,600 for our year which ends on July 31. As of June 12, we have collected $2,190.47 which is 84% of our goal. Please help us reach our goal by making a contribution in the mite box – coins, bills, and checks (made out to LWML) are joyfully accepted and will be used to help spread the gospel by providing grants to help those in the mission field locally, nationally, and internationally. YOU can help make a difference.

CORNERSTONE:  There will be no newsletter in July. The next deadline will be July 15 for the August edition.



We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.
COLLECTION CENTER:  Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.

CTR Weekly News: June 12 – 18


Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Suzanne Watt

Acolytes early: Andrew King/William Butler; late: none scheduled
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library

Help is still needed for our Summer Sunday School Program. At minimum, it’s only a 2-week commitment. Don’t let the kids down. Sign up Today!!   SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times. Opportunities for activities include  – Games, Crafts, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!
DCE INTERN: Myrthe’s installation is scheduled for Sunday during both services. There will be a reception and pantry shower held in her honor on the 11th at 9:30. There will be a gift box for collection of cards. 
When registering your child for VBS, please note that the class they will be registering for is the grade that they just completed in school (not the grade they will be going in to).

We still need several more volunteer spots filled for VBS the week of June 19-23! Please consider helping share Jesus with these awesome kids! The spots to fill include:

Bible Discovery Station Leader

Imagination Station Assistant

Crew Leader for Preschool

Crew Leader for PreK/K

Crew Leader for 3rd-5th Grade

Crew Leader Assistants for various ages

Check out the display in the narthex and pick up a slip or two of items that are needed for VBS. 
SENIOR FRIENDS will meet on June 11 at Mimi’s for lunch (71st & Memorial).
BUNKO will be June 13 at the home of Jody Zscheck at 7:00. There is a signup sheet.

ECC NEEDS BOOKS! The ECC is looking for books that are gently used for our school. Most of the books will be in classes with children ages 1-4 years old. Please donate age-appropriate and hardback books when possible as they wear out easily. They get lots of use! A donation box is located at the south entrance. Thanks so much!


GREETERS NEEDED! We are starting a new greeter schedule that will be handled by the church secretary. We are looking for 12 sets of greeters for both early and late service. There will be two sets of greeters scheduled each week (one set per north and south entrance). You will be scheduled to greet two weeks a month and twice a year. If you are currently a greeter or would like to become a greeter, please sign up on the sheet in the narthex for the service of your choice. The July schedule will be emailed to you in a couple of weeks and mid- month for the next month throughout the year. If you have any questions, contact Connie at the office.


SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE:  We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.


COLLECTION CENTER:  Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.


CTR Weekly News: June 5 – 11


Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister

Acolytes early: Andrew King/Camden Knutson; late: none scheduled
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library

ACOLYTE SCHEDULE is posted at the south entrance for the summer months. Please sign up for 2-3 Sundays.

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Help with Summer Sunday School! Sign up now to help with Summer Sunday School. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times.

Opportunities for activities include – Games, Crafts, Snacks, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!
DCE INTERN: Myrthe’s installation is scheduled for June 11 during both services. There will be a reception and pantry shower held in her honor on the 11th at 9:30. There will be a gift box for collection of cards.  We are looking for volunteers to supply a meal for Myrthe during the first couple of weeks while she settles into her apartment. Check out the signup sheet in the narthex for the schedule.
VBS REGISTRATION: When registering your child for VBS, please note that the class they will be registering for is the grade that they just completed in school (not the grade they will be going in to).

ADULT BIBLE CLASS: Pastor will be leading a Sunday school class on the movie “War Room” this summer. We will watch the movie and then participate in a five week study on the power of prayer.

REFORMATION 500 Speaker Series at Holy Trinity (Edmond) will be welcoming Rev. Dr. Gerhard Bode, who will be speak on June 10th at 9:00 am. The topic is Martin Luther’s Reformation: Bringing God’s Word to God’s People. For additional details and to register visit www.holytrinityedmond.org/reformation500.
SENIOR FRIENDS will meet on June 11 at Mimi’s for lunch (71st & Memorial).
BUNKO will be June 13 at the home of Jody Zscheck at 7:00. There is a sign up sheet.
MITE BOX SUNDAY is June 4. Please bring in your mites for LWML mission projects around the world.
YOUTH BASEBALL GAME: We’re going to the Drillers Game on July 30 at 7:05 PM! We have the party platform reserved to see the Drillers take on the Arkansas Travelers.  It’s Princess/Superhero Day at the Ballpark so feel free to dress up! We can only take 20 people so register early! Tickets are $15 each and include an all you can eat buffet as well as our private seating. Open to youth and their families and friends in grades 5-12. Any remaining tickets not reserved by June 15 will be open to anyone in the congregation.


CHAINSAW TRAINING SESSION is June 9-10: The Oklahoma District Lutheran Emergency Response Team  (LERT) will be holding a training session in the use of a chainsaw for debris cleanup. Those so trained may be deployed in the event of a disaster in the Oklahoma District, and possibly even our nation. LERT members are required to have Synodical training before responding to an incident. Anyone 18 years of age or older who wants to be part of a Chainsaw Team must attend a 2-hour classroom session on Friday night, June 9th at King of Kings Lutheran Church, Glenpool. Anyone who wants to be certified as a Chainsaw Operator must ALSO attend a 3-hour hands-on training session on Saturday, June 10. This session will be divided into 3 training times: 7-10, 10-1, or 1-4, and will happen on private property belonging to a member of King of Kings Lutheran, Glenpool. Those who choose to participate in Saturday’s training are required to be at least 19 years of age. All attendees are required to wear steel-toed boots. For more information and/or to register please contact Rev, Rick Tabisz (King of Kings Lutheran, Glenpool, rick@kingofkingsok.org, 918-640-1423) or Rev. Ron Simpson (OK District Disaster Response Coordinator, pastor@gslok.org, 405-230-0835).
THE PANIC SQUAD will be performing at Messiah, OKC, on June 25. Food, fun and games at 3:00; Soul Fire Concert at 3:15; Panic Squad at 4:00. All are invited to attend. Check out the poster at the south entrance for further information.


SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.
COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.

CTR Weekly News: May 15 – 21


Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister
Acolytes–Early: Camden Knutson; late:
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library
   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library

ACOLYTE SCHEDULE  is posted at the south entrance for the summer months. Please sign up for 2-3 Sundays.
SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Help with Summer Sunday School! Sign up now to help with Summer Sunday School. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times. Opportunities for activities include
– Games, Crafts, Snacks, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!
DCE INTERN: Our intern is Myrthe Harkenrider from Ft. Wayne, Indiana. She will be coming to Tulsa the first of June. Her installation is scheduled for June 11 during both services. There will be a reception and pantry shower held in her honor on the 11th at 9:30.Unless you took a slip for a specific item, we ask that you give Myrthe VISA or Target gift cards to purchase anything that she may still need for her apartment. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us as we welcome her to CTR. We are looking for volunteers to supply a meal for Myrthe during the first couple of weeks while she settles into her apartment. Check out the signup sheet in the narthex for the schedule.
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held on May 21 following a noon potluck. All members are encouraged to attend. 
BUILDING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENT: There are copies of the Master Plan presentation printed and left in the library for members to pick up and review leading up to the vote on May 21.
MOVING DAY for the furniture that needs to be moved/set up for Myrthe’s apartment is Wednesday, May 24, at 5:30. For those who can help and for more information, contact Katie Michaels-Johnson (918-853-6226).
LOVE GATHERING FOR ECC: During the month of May, ECC & CTR families are asked to donate paper towels, kleenix and unscented wipes for use at ECC. These items are always needed so your donations would be very appreciated. You can drop them off in the baskets in the narthex.
GRADUATES: There is still time to post your bio information for the June newsletter. Please send it to Connie by Monday!
VBS REGISTRATION: When registering your child for VBS, please note that the class they will be registering for is the grade that they just completed in school (not the grade they will be going in to).
PERSONAL CARE KITS will be the LWR emphasis through the end of May. Check out the display in the narthex that will be set up the end of April and pick up a list of items needed. 4 oz soap bars are especially needed. Questions…call Lynne Kollock.
YOUTH BASEBALL GAME: We’re going to the Drillers Game on July 30 at 7:05 PM! We have the party platform reserved to see the Drillers take on the Arkansas Travelers.  It’s Princess/Superhero Day at the Ballpark so feel free to dress up! We can only take 20 people so register early! Tickets are $15 each and include an all you can eat buffet as well as our private seating. Open to youth and their families and friends in grades 5-12. Any remaining tickets not reserved by June 15 will be open to anyone in the congregation.
SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.
COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.

CTR Weekly News: May 8 – 14


Worship at 8:15 & 10:45 – Sunday School at 9:30
Children’s Message: Pastor Burmeister

Acolytes–Early: Andrew King; late:
Adult Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen & Conf. Rm behind the library

   Women’s Bible Study on Fridays at 9:30 in the library

ACOLYTE SCHEDULE is posted at the south entrance for the summer months. Please sign up for 2-3 Sundays.

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Help with Summer Sunday School! Sign up now to help with Summer Sunday School. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times. Opportunities for activities include– Games, Crafts, Snacks, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!
DCE INTERN: Our intern is Myrthe Harkenrider from Ft. Wayne, Indiana. She will be coming to Tulsa the first of June. Her installation is scheduled for June 11 during both services. There will be a reception and pantry shower held in her honor on the 11th at 9:30.If you didn’t get one of the slips for pantry items, we ask that you give Myrthe VISA or Target gift cards to purchase anything that she may need for her apartment. Please mark your calendar and plan to join us as we welcome her to CTR. Check out the signs in the narthex for facts about Myrthe and a meal sign up sheet.
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be held on May 21 following a noon potluck. All members are encouraged to attend.

BUILDING COMMITTEE ANNOUNCEMENT: There are copies of the Master Plan presentation printed and left in the library for members to pick up and review leading up to the vote on May 21.
VBS REGISTRATION: When registering your child for VBS, please note that the class they will be registering for is the grade that they just completed in school (not the grade they will be going in to).
PERSONAL CARE KITS will be the LWR emphasis through the end of May. Check out the display in the narthex that will be set up the end of April and pick up a list of items needed. 4 oz soap bars are especially needed. Questions…call Lynne Kollock.

THIS WEEK IS TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK FOR ECC: The Ministry of Education and Parish Life will be showing their appreciation to the ECC staff this week on behalf of CTR. If you’re at the church this week, stop down at ECC and let them know “job well done.” Their staff does a wonderful job in showing God’s love and care to each of their students.
MITE BOX SUNDAY is next Sunday.
SENIOR FRIENDS will meet for lunch on May 7 at Houligans (48th & Yale).
BRAILLE WORKSHOP is May 8 at Our Savior at 9:00
BUNKO will be at the home of Ernestine Kahle on May 9 at 7:00. There is a sign up.

CAMP LUTHERHOMA Golf Tournament was postponed last week. New Date: May 13th. Same time, same place, same fun! Still room for NEW TEAMS and PLAYERS.  New Event registration online at www.lutherhoma.com and click on Account Login, create an account, and register.
YOUTH BASEBALL GAME:  We’re going to the Drillers Game on July 30 at 7:05 PM! We have the party platform reserved to see the Drillers take on the Arkansas Travelers.  It’s Princess/Superhero Day at the Ballpark so feel free to dress up! We can only take 20 people so register early! Tickets are $15 each and include an all you can eat buffet as well as our private seating. Open to youth and their families and friends in grades 5-12. Any remaining tickets not reserved by June 15 will be open to anyone in the congregation.
