On January 10, 1954, we held our first service in a church facility at 49th and Peoria. The present church was built in 1967 and enlarged in 1994. Harold E. Brockhoff served the congregation as its first pastor from 1954 until his retirement in 1994. Our current pastor, Scott Burmeister, was called to Christ the Redeemer and was installed on June 30, 2013.
Our Traditional worship times are 8:15 AM Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday and 10:45 AM Communion 2nd & 4th Sunday in the CTR Sanctuary. Communion is offered at both services on 5th Sundays. 
Our Modern worship service time is 11:45 AM and meets in Fellowship West.
Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church is a fellowship of Christians & a member congregation of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod.
We at Christ The Redeemer Lutheran Church of Tulsa, Oklahoma are dedicated to Leading People into a Living Relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our Leadership Team

Our leadership team recognizes the authority of God, and realizes that we are shepherds who serve under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We desire to devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the Word. Our passion and goal is to equip the believers for the work of the ministry until we all attain maturity in the fullness of Christ. For emailing and phone information hover over a staff member’s photo.
Pastor Scott Burmeister
Suzanne Watt, DCE
Jacob Drengler, Music Director
Rev. Scott Burmeister is a graduate of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MDiv. 2003. He has a BA in Philosophy from the University of Central Florida, Orlando 1999. He serves as Mission Executive for the Oklahoma District LCMS and is the past President of the Rotary Club of Southeast Tulsa. Pastor B enjoys tennis, hunting, fishing and playing guitar. His telephone number is 918-492-6451, voice mail extension #01.
You can send him an e-mail at scott.burmeister@ctrtulsa.orgPastor’s day off is Friday.
Our Director of Christian Education Suzanne is a 2004 BA graduate of Valparaiso University and a 2007 MA graduate of Concordia University, River Forest, Illinois. She is responsible for leading our youth program (6th-12th), youth Sunday School, VBS, Youth Confirmation program, Women’s Bible Study and special education programs. She also guides curriculum planning for whole church Christian Education. Her telephone number is 918-492-6451, voice mail extension #06. She can reached by e-mail suzanne.watt@ctrtulsa.org.
Jacob is a  graduate of the Hayes School of Music at Appalachian State University with a Bachelor of Music in Music Performance and a  graduate of Concordia University Wisconsin with a Master of Church Music degree. He is a doctoral student in organ performance at the University of Oklahoma. Jacob is responsible for leading and coordinating the music ministry of CTR.
If you are interested in participating in the music ministry, send Jacob an email at jacob.drengler@ctrtulsa.org or speak to him following any worship service.
Nikki Boyd, DCE
Deva Beebe, Business Admin.
          Carri Cline, Receptionist
Our Director of Christian Education Nikki is a 1992 BA graduate of NSU and a 2007 DCE Certification from Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota. She is responsible for leading our Family & Children’s Ministry, Children’s Sunday School, VBS, Women’s Bible Study, Young Adult Bible Study and special education programs. She also guides curriculum planning for whole church Christian Education. Her telephone number is 918-492-6451, voice mail extension #07. She can reached by e-mail nboyd@ctrtulsa.org.
Deva is our Business Administrator and holds a Business Administration degree from Langston-Tulsa and Master’s degree in Administrative Leadership from the University of Oklahoma.  She provides administrative support to church staff and assists in managing the finances of the office and the congregation.  
She can be contacted at dbeebe@ctrtulsa.org   or
918-492-6451 VM Ext. #02.
Carri is our Receptionist at Christ the Redeemer.  She provides assistance to church staff and answers the telephone on most weekdays for the office.  
She can be contacted at
918-492-6451 VM Ext. #03.
Craig Amendt,
Assistant Music Director
Floyd Lemons,
Facility Manager
Craig has over twenty years of experience as a music educator, currently serving as band director at Mustang Public Schools.  He graduated with distinction from the University of Oklahoma, earning a Bachelor of Music Education. At CTR Craig conducts the Sanctuary Choir. In addition, Craig sings tenor and plays the horn. You can reach Craig at craig.amendt@ctrtulsa.org.
Floyd has been a member of Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church for 26 years.
He retired from his job of 20 years at State Farm Fire and Casualty Company last year and has been the Facility Manager at CTR since.
If you have any inquires about Maintenance, set up or using the facilities of CTR you may contact him by email at
floyd.lemons@ctrtulsa.org or phone him at 918-492-6451, extension 05.