ACOLYTE SCHEDULE is posted at the south entrance for the summer months. Please sign up for 2-3 Sundays.
SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL’S THEME IS ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Help with Summer Sunday School! Sign up now to help with Summer Sunday School. Each theme lasts for 2 weeks during June-August. There are different activities each of the 2 weeks that reinforce that theme. Volunteers can help once or sign up to help with the same activity multiple times.
Opportunities for activities include – Games, Crafts, Snacks, Actors in Dramas. We will also need volunteers to serve as Family Group Leaders for small groups of children and to serve as actors portraying Paul, Brutus, Lucia and Marcus on 5 occasions to share the Bible lesson. We cannot have a successful Sunday School for our children without the help of awesome adult volunteers, so please sign up at the table in the Narthex to help!
DCE INTERN: Myrthe’s installation is scheduled for June 11 during both services. There will be a reception and pantry shower held in her honor on the 11th at 9:30. There will be a gift box for collection of cards. We are looking for volunteers to supply a meal for Myrthe during the first couple of weeks while she settles into her apartment. Check out the signup sheet in the narthex for the schedule.
VBS REGISTRATION: When registering your child for VBS, please note that the class they will be registering for is the grade that they just completed in school (not the grade they will be going in to).
ADULT BIBLE CLASS: Pastor will be leading a Sunday school class on the movie “War Room” this summer. We will watch the movie and then participate in a five week study on the power of prayer.
REFORMATION 500 Speaker Series at Holy Trinity (Edmond) will be welcoming Rev. Dr. Gerhard Bode, who will be speak on June 10th at 9:00 am. The topic is Martin Luther’s Reformation: Bringing God’s Word to God’s People. For additional details and to register visit
SENIOR FRIENDS will meet on June 11 at Mimi’s for lunch (71st & Memorial).
BUNKO will be June 13 at the home of Jody Zscheck at 7:00. There is a sign up sheet.
MITE BOX SUNDAY is June 4. Please bring in your mites for LWML mission projects around the world.
YOUTH BASEBALL GAME: We’re going to the Drillers Game on July 30 at 7:05 PM! We have the party platform reserved to see the Drillers take on the Arkansas Travelers. It’s Princess/Superhero Day at the Ballpark so feel free to dress up! We can only take 20 people so register early! Tickets are $15 each and include an all you can eat buffet as well as our private seating. Open to youth and their families and friends in grades 5-12. Any remaining tickets not reserved by June 15 will be open to anyone in the congregation.
CHAINSAW TRAINING SESSION is June 9-10: The Oklahoma District
Team (LERT) will be holding a training session in the use of a chainsaw for debris cleanup. Those so trained may be deployed in the event of a disaster in the Oklahoma District, and possibly even our nation. LERT members are required to have Synodical training before responding to an incident. Anyone 18 years of age or older who wants to be part of a Chainsaw Team must attend a 2-hour classroom session on Friday night, June 9
th at King of Kings Lutheran Church, Glenpool. Anyone who wants to be certified as a Chainsaw Operator must ALSO attend a 3-hour hands-on training session on Saturday, June 10. This session will be divided into 3 training times: 7-10, 10-1, or 1-4, and will happen on private property belonging to a member of King of Kings Lutheran, Glenpool. Those who choose to participate in Saturday’s training are required to be at least 19 years of age. All attendees are required to wear steel-toed boots. For more information and/or to register please contact Rev, Rick Tabisz (King of Kings Lutheran, Glenpool,, 918-640-1423) or Rev. Ron Simpson (OK District Disaster Response Coordinator,, 405-230-0835).
THE PANIC SQUAD will be performing at Messiah, OKC, on June 25. Food, fun and games at 3:00; Soul Fire Concert at 3:15; Panic Squad at 4:00. All are invited to attend. Check out the poster at the south entrance for further information.
SOUTH TULSA COMMUNITY HOUSE: We are in great need of just about everything “canned,” as well as other proteins such as dried beans, peanut butter, meat based soups. We also need clean and labels removed prescription bottles which we use to distribute shampoo, body wash/soap and the like. They request that you not donate any Ramon noodles.
COLLECTION CENTER: Please remember to collect various ink cartridges and electronic equipment for the LWML; food and household supplies for South Tulsa Community House; various labels for ECC (check out the collection center for a list); various coupons for the military; eye glasses for MOST Ministries. All these items can be dropped off at the collection center at the south entrance.